美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 地平线视野 幼儿园学前班 拼音和阅读书本 2 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 2







产品编码 -   KR002

产品重量:0.47 磅

产品尺寸:8.1 x 8.0 x 0.8 英寸

书号: 9780740301421




Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:   KR002

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 0.47 pounds

Product Dimensions:  8.1 x 8.0 x 0.8  inches

ISBN:   9780740301421





  • 0.47 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

使用色彩缤纷的 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 2:迈克的自行车,消除您孩子的阅读困难。四十个教师指导的短篇故事结合了短元音词和更复杂的多音节长元音词。用作 Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Book 2 的伴侣。

Eliminate your child's reading struggles with the colorful Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 2: Mike's Bike. Forty teacher-guided short stories combine a mixture of short-vowel words and more complex multi-syllable and long-vowel words. To be used as a companion to Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Book 2.



使用 Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 2:迈克的自行车,让您的孩子爱上阅读。这是 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读学生书籍系列的四本配套读者中的第二本,使用包括短元音和长元音单词以及多音节单词的故事系统地强化拼音规则。“迈克的自行车”和本阅读器中其他引人入胜的故事,如“斯坦的大裤子”、“蜗牛踪迹”和“Scamp,寻宝者”会让您的孩子立即轻松阅读。当你们一起阅读时,您的孩子很快就会体验到自己读出越来越多单词的快感,直到他完全独立阅读为止!

但这还不是全部!您孩子的阅读理解能力将通过发人深省的问题得到发展,这些问题可以在阅读每个故事之前或之后提出。听起来像您想与孩子一起使用的阅读器吗?教幼儿园的孩子阅读并不一定很困难。立即从 Alpha Omega Publications 订购 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 2:Mike 的自行车。亲自发现为什么这个早期读者是家庭教育的最爱!


Give your child a love for reading with the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 2: Mike's Bike. This second in a series of four companion readers to the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Books systemically reinforces phonics rules using stories that include short and long-vowel words and multi-syllable words. "Mike's Bike" and other engaging stories in this reader such as "Stan's Big Pants," "The Snail Trail," and "Scamp, the Treasure Hunter" will have your child easily reading in no time at all. As you read together, your child will soon experience the thrill of sounding out more and more words on his own until he's reading completely by himself!

But that's not all! Your child's reading comprehension skills will be developed with thought-provoking questions that can be asked either before or after reading each story. Sound like the reader you want to use with your child? Teaching your kindergartener to read doesn't have to be difficult. Order your copy of Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 2: Mike's Bike from Alpha Omega Publications today. Discover for yourself why this early reader is a homeschooling favorite!



  • 打印工作簿
  • 螺旋式学习形式
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 彩色插图

At a Glance

  • Print workbooks
  • Spiral learning format
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Colorful illustrations


  • 基督教工作簿课程
  • PreK-12 年级
  • 基于螺旋式强化学习
  • 教师指导课程
  • 实践活动
  • 健康和体育选修课


  • Christian Workbook Curriculum
  • Grades PreK-12
  • Spiral-based to Reinforce Learning
  • Teacher-directed Curriculum
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Health and Physical Education Electives