美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 地平线视野 幼儿园拼音和阅读擦拭平板 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Wipe-Off Tablet







产品编码 -  KW001

产品重量:0.25 磅

产品尺寸:10.5 x 8.2 x 0.2  英寸

书号: 9780740301483




Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:  KW001

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 0.25 pounds

Product Dimensions:  10.5 x 8.2 x 0.2 inches


ISBN:   9780740301483




  • 0.25 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

您的孩子可以使用 Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Wipe-Off Tablet 练习书写字母。方便实用,您的孩子会喜欢用这款 8½" x 11" 可擦写字板练习 ABC 和拼音规则。与 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读课程一起使用或作为独立资源使用。

Your child can practice writing alphabet letters with the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Wipe-Off Tablet. Convenient and practical, your child will love practicing his ABCs and phonics rules with this 8½" x 11" erasable tablet. Use with the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading curriculum or as a stand-alone resource.




厌倦了为孩子的拼音和写作课寻找新鲜的书写纸?希望你能减少在家上学的费用?现在您可以使用 Alpha Omega Publications 的 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读擦拭平板电脑来节省金钱和纸张。让书写变得有趣并享受便携式黑板的便利,让您的孩子随时随地练习字母和单词。这款手写板由厚实、耐用的卡片纸制成,配有自己的专用书写笔和 ½" 永久性书写指导线,可帮助您的孩子每次都形成正确形状的字母。

但这还不是全部!这个方便的补充资源还包括两个自粘磁铁,可将您的书写板悬挂在容易找到的位置,例如冰箱。当您的孩子完成书写后,只需用柔软的棉布擦拭表面即可为明天的功课做好准备。这有多实用?那你为什么要等?利用一种简单的方法让写作和书法课程变得更有趣、更实惠。立即订购您的 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读擦拭平板!



Tired of looking for fresh writing paper for your child's phonics and writing lessons? Wish you could cut down on homeschooling expenses? Now you can save money and paper with the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Wipe-Off Tablet from Alpha Omega Publications. Make writing fun and enjoy the convenience of a portable chalkboard that lets your child practice letters and words anywhere, anytime. Made from thick, durable card stock, this handwriting tablet comes with its own special writing pen and ½" permanent writing guide lines to help your child form correctly-shaped letters every time.

But that's not all! This handy supplemental resource also includes two self-adhesive magnets to hang your writing tablet in an easy-to-find location, like your refrigerator. And when your child is done writing, simply wipe off the surface with a soft cotton cloth and your ready for tomorrow's schoolwork. How practical is that? So why are you waiting? Take advantage of an easy way to make writing and penmanship lessons more fun and affordable. Order your Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Wipe-Off Tablet today!



  • 打印工作簿
  • 螺旋式学习形式
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 彩色插图

At a Glance

  • Print workbooks
  • Spiral learning format
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Colorful illustrations


  • 基督教工作簿课程
  • PreK-12 年级
  • 基于螺旋式强化学习
  • 教师指导课程
  • 实践活动
  • 健康和体育选修课


  • Christian Workbook Curriculum
  • Grades PreK-12
  • Spiral-based to Reinforce Learning
  • Teacher-directed Curriculum
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Health and Physical Education Electives






Scope and Sequence