About Baby Class



Subjects: Christian families with 0-2 year olds baby




*Helping the leader of God's ministry for children to build the Christian community of infants, and helping the Christian parents to establish mutual help groups.

* To help parents according to God's mind to teach 0-2-year-old baby, baby step by step understanding God, to understand the baby's physical and mental development, to help the baby in the Christian family to grow.



* 帮助侍奉神带领儿童事工的领袖建立婴儿基督化群体,帮助基督化家长建立互助群体。

* 帮助父母按着神的心意教养0-2岁的婴儿,带领婴儿一步一步认识神,明白婴儿的身心发展,帮助婴儿在基督化家庭中成长。


This class has a very important effect on the church and the family. To help the leaders understand the importance of this service and understand that it is the foundation of whole life, we have written information to the leaders. To help christian parents, we also wrote to the parents of the information.




Fuller founder :Lydia Chow